
it was no joke

Today marks the one year anniversary on the fire that took our whole south side of the square.

The building was built in 1891 and was home to 6 businesses. Thirteen fire departments came to give help. My baby brother is a volunteer fireman for our local fire department. Emma was so concerned about him, that we took her downtown the next day, to see if she could catch a glimpse of him. She was smiling from ear to ear when he saw her and came over to say hi. She didn't care that he was dirty, she gave him a big bear hug. We are so proud o him! Thank you Michael, for what you do!!Thanks to God, there were no one hurt while trying to save the building.
Today the furniture store has rebuilt and is now open for business.
Life does go on. Please remember to pray for the firemen.
Have a wonderful day and God bless.


Anonymous said...

Oh thankyou!
So sorry for your local fire!
My husband is a firefighter.

Vicki Chrisman said...

isnt that the truth! So many risk their lives for us everyday.