
howdy y'all

Well I am back but I have to say that I cannot share pictures right now. My laptop went down.... hard drive needs fixed or replace! I have no way of getting my pics loaded on my old computer. So any way.....

I did get some fun stuff while I was gone that I can't wait to show you. I tried to spend all day Friday (until my dr. appt) done in Old Market. I tried, really I tried, but a nasty cold front come through late Thursday night and it was terrible cold. I just was not having any fun walking around downtown. I don't think it got above 18 degrees, with a below 0 wind chill, or so it felt like! So can you blame me?!? I did manage to find and old bingo game and and old lotto game in one store that I am excited to use but that was all I could handle. So my hubby and I decided to warm up by eating at Spaghetti Works. YUM!!

The sad thing....I had more luck at Goodwill and at my local thrift stores then I did in the city...but that is NOT to say that I wouldn't go back! My mom and some friends are already makin' plans to do a two day spree in Lincoln and Omaha later on this spring...when it isn't so cold!

On a fun note, I joined Teresa McFadyen Belltoria E-Zine yesterday and can't wait to see what she has in store for us. I did her Winter Bella in January and got loads of inspiration. You should go check her blog out. Great stuff!

Hopefully I will get my computer back tomorrow and be able to show you some stuff. Until then have a wonderful night and God Bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To bad it was so cold! Spring will be here soon. I also keep thinking I should head over to the nearest antique mall and see what new stuff is there. Been since summer! Maybe I could find some vintage buttons lace ribbon ect.........
Looking forward to seeing your photos.
take care till next time I visit.