
emma's birthday furniture

Emma has been wanting a 'big girl' room for quite awhile. She has had a hard time cleaning her room because of all the stuff and no place to put it. So earlier this summer we purged out everything that she didn't want. then, I started watching out for some pieces that I could customize for her. These were the pieces i found.

This first piece I found at the sidewalk sale at a near by town. It came from an antique store and I was able to get it for $15. I thought that was a steal, despite the water spots and damage to the wood on top.

this piece I was able to get for $10 at my favorite place to shop. Though there wasn't much to it, i thought it would make a nice shelving unit for all of Emma's crafting supplies.

This is how that look now in her room. I still need to work on the glazing technique for furniture, but i guess she didn't think it was too bad.

You can't see it in this photo, but I put some pink and cream toile paper in the back and I used vintage trim on the edges of the shelves. The cabinet above was a old medicine cabinet with the mirror missing. I used vintage wallpaper, music sheets and some scrapbooking paper for a collage look. It is the home for her Precious Moments figurines that my MIL gives her every year for her birthday.

She was excited to see 'pretty, big girl furniture' when see came home form school on her birthday.

Well, I have plenty more to share with you. Since school started 2 1/2 weeks ago I have finally been able to get some crafting done. Let me tell you it feels so good to get back to it. I have sure missed being creative. I will share those projects with you in a few days....plus a few of my favorite fun finds of the summer. Until then have a great evening and God bless.


karlascottage.typepad.com said...

Your glazing looks great to me! How pretty.

Jessi Nagy said...

hey there,
thanks for stopping by.
your pieces are wonderful. love them.
great job.

Donna Layton said...

Very pretty projects! Doesn't it feel great to get some BIG things done?

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to hear from you Alissa! I like what you've done to Emma's room, very pretty! And all set to carry her threw the years. Enjoy her, I feeling like where have all the years gone? Our oldest just moved out to collage. He was doing local community collage and had taken all the classes he could there so it was time to trasfer to a Universary. 600 lonly miles away! I feel like all I did was Blink and they grew up!